
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Josiah's Mickey Mouse Party- Food

In addition to cupcakes, we also had a cake. My mom found the cake pan and decorated it herself using pictures online as a guide for colors and details.
(It looked great! I wish I could've gotten a picture of it more straight on so you could see the whole thing.)

When it came to the rest of the food, we needed to have lunch food since the party was from 11am-1pm. And, when you think of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, you know that hot dogs are a must! Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot diggity dog! So, we grilled up hot dogs for all of the guests with a special label:
(These were framed and posted by each item of food.)

With the hot dogs, we also had individual bags of chips:

"Mickey Ears" (Oreos):

and Mouska-Cupcakes:


  1. I love the Mickey food signs! Can you send me a copy of the sign that said "Mickey Ears"?? Thank you! Echo (

  2. I would love a copy of the food signs. If possible all of them in pink. We are having a Minnie Mouse party for her first B-day and we were planning on having the same kind of treats.

  3. Can I get a copy of the food signs in pink. Having my little girls first birthday.

  4. Hi I have some questions about your signs can you email me at Thank you:) I would love any pink Minnie mouse ones you have
